11+ Books

  1. Alan Gibbons – Caught in the Crossfire

  2. Alan Gibbons – Caught in the Crossfire

  3. Alex Shearer – The Invisible Man’s socks

  4. Angie Sage – Septimus Heap series

  5. Anne Fine – A Pack of Liars

  6. Anne Holm – I Am David

  7. Anthony Horowitz – Stormbreaker

  8. Anthony Horowitz – Stormbreaker

  9. Arthur Ransome – Swallows and Amazons series

  10. Barbara Leonie Picard (translator) – The Odyssey

  11. Barbara Sleigh – Carbonel series 1 and 2

  12. Brian Jacques – Redwall series

  13. S. Lewis – The Chronicles of Narnia
    Book 1 – The Magicians Nephew
    Book 2 – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    Book 3 – The Horse and His Boy
    Book 4 – Prince Caspian
    Book 5 – The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

  14. Caroline Lawrence – Roman Mysteries series:
    The Thieves of Ostia
    The Secrets of Vesuvius
    The Pirates of Pompeii

  15. Carolyn Keene – Nancy Drew mysteries: The Mystery at Lilac Inn

  16. Cathy Cassidy – Scarlett

  17. Cathy Cassidy – Scarlett

  18. Charles Ashton – Dragon’s Fire

  19. Charles Kingsley – The Water Babies

  20. Charmian Hussey – The Valley of Secrets

  21. Chris d’Lacey – Fire series:
    Book 1 – The Fire Within
    Book 2 – Icefire
    Book 3 – Firestar
    Book 4 – The Fire Eternal
    Book 5 – Dark Fire

  22. Christopher Paolini – Eldest series

  23. Cliff McNish
    Doomspell trilogy 1 – Doomspell
    Doomspell trilogy 2 – The Scent Magic
    Doomspell trilogy 3 – The Wizards promise

  24. Clive King – Stig of the Dump

  25. Cornelia Funke – Inkheart Trilogy

  26. Cornelia Funke – Inkheart Trilogy and Thief Lord

  27. Daniel Defoe – Robinson Crusoe

  28. Daniel Defoe – Robinson Crusoe

  29. Darren Shan – Demonata series

  30. Debbi Gilori – Pure Dead Magic

  31. Debbi Gilori – Pure Dead Magic

  32. Derek Landy – Skulduggery Pleasant series: Book 1

  33. Nesbit – The Phoenix and the Carpet & others

  34. L. Konigsburg – From the Mixed up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler

  35. Elise Broach – Shakespeare’s Secret

  36. Elizabeth Kay – The Divide series

  37. Enid Blyton

  38. Enid Blyton – The Secret Island

  39. Eoin Colfer – Artemis Fowl

  40. Eoin Colfer – Artemis Fowl

  41. Erin Hunter – Warrior series:Shadow of The Clans

  42. Eva Ibbotson – The Dragonfly Pool

  43. Frances Hardinge – Fly by Night

  44. Gail Carson Levine – Fairest

  45. Gail Carson Levine – Fairest

  46. Garth Nix The Seventh Tower Series

  47. Geraldine McCaughrean – The Death Defying Pepper Roux

  48. Graham Marks – Snatched

  49. Hans Christian Andersen – Fairy Tales

  50. Hans Christian Andersen – The Complete Fairy Tales

  51. Holly Black – Beyond The Spiderwick Chronicles: A Giant Problem

  52. Holly Black – The Spiderwick Chronicles

  53. K. Rowling – Harry Potter series

  54. R.R. Tolkien – The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings series

  55. Jacob Grimm – Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales

  56. Jacob Grimm – Complete Grimms Fairy Tales

  57. Jacqueline Wilson Series

  58. Jenny Nimmo – Charlie Bone series

  59. Joan Aiken – Wolves of Willoughby Chase series

  60. Joan Aiken – Wolves of Willoughby Chase series

  61. Jonathan Stroud – The Bartimaeus Trilogy

  62. Julia Golding – The Glass Swallow

  63. Julie Lee – The Mysterious Adventures of Clemency Wrigglesworth

  64. Karen McCombie – Marshmallow Magic and the Wild Rose Rouge

  65. Laura Ingalls Wilder – Little House on the Prairie series

  66. Lemony Snicket – A Series of Unfortunate Events

  67. Louis Sachar – Holes

  68. Lucy Daniels – Animal Ark series

  69. Lucy Daniels – Animal Ark series

  70. Lucy Montgomery – Anne of Green Gables

  71. Lynne Reid Banks – The Indian in the Cupboard trilogy

  72. Malorie Blackman – Noughts and Crosses Trilogy

  73. Malorie Blackman – Noughts and Crosses Trilogy

  74. Mark Twain – Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn

  75. Michael Carroll – New Heroes series

  76. Michael Morpurgo – The Butterfly Lion

  77. Michelle Paver – Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Series

  78. Nina Bawden – Carrie’s War

  79. Norman Hunter – The Incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm

  80. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell – The Edge Chronicles series

  81. Philip Pullman

  82. Philip Reeve – Infernal Devices

  83. Philip Ridley – Scribbleboy

  84. Richmal Crompton – Just William

  85. Rick Riordan – Percy Jackson series

  86. Roald Dahl

  87. Roald Dahl – The Witches

  88. Silvana De Mari – The Last Elf

  89. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – The Lost World

  90. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – The Lost World

  91. Susan Coolidge – What Katy Did Next

  92. Susan Coolidge – What Katy Did series

  93. H. White – The Once and Future King

  94. Terry Pratchett Series

  95. William Golding – Lord of the Flies

  96. William Golding – Lord of the Flies

  97. William In Trouble

  98. William Nicholson – Wind on Fire Trilogy

  99. William The Bad

  100. William The Conqueror

  101. William The Outlaw