
Fiona and all staff members are on the updated Government DBS system

Morton Tutoring’s commitment to safeguarding.

At Morton Tutoring, I believe that all children have an absolute right to a childhood free from abuse, neglect, or exploitation. All adults involved in our activities have a duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children we work with.

Who does safeguarding apply to?

We work closely with groups and individual to ensure my programmes are delivered safely. Fiona and all staff have an up-to-date enhanced DBS check and receive training in safeguarding and child protection before commencing work.

This includes understanding why safeguarding matters, being able to identify different types of abuse, becoming familiar with Morton Tutoring’s code of conduct and knowing how to respond to a suspicion or allegation.

Safeguarding audit

In November 2022, Morton Tutoring successfully passed a thorough safeguarding audit as part of the Tutor Full network.

It met all the necessary requirements including:

• Safeguarding is an intrinsic part of organisational values and culture and is promoted through all organisational messaging.

• Fiona has shown consistent safeguarding messaging.

• There is clarity of safeguarding messaging between all stakeholder groups engaged with Morton Tutoring .