What tutoring does Fiona cover?

Fiona uses methods that are carefully designed with the child in mind. She covers all areas of the syllabus, making sure that each child has a good solid grasp of each topic.


Tailored one-off assessments and bespoke lessons
All pupils requiring tutoring are booked for an assessment in the first stage allowing Fiona to plan a bespoke programme for each child. One-off assessments are available to gauge where your child is and to highlight strengths and weaknesses. These assessments are available without booking actual tutoring. Fiona is also happy to offer impartial educational advice. Initial assessment, including feedback, lasts a maximum of three hours.

General Primary

• To keep the pupils above the expected level at school
• To develop strong foundations in both Maths and English
• To make sure that all the foundation blocks are in place
• To attain the highest SATS levels

Fiona forms a positive working relationship with both parents and children. A rapport with the pupil is essential. Often pupils have missed learning blocks which need to be filled. Once the pupil has been assessed an individual programme will be prepared taking into account of individual’s needs.

Literacy and Maths

It is vital to perform to a high standard in English Exam. This exam tests the candidates' general comprehension and reading, grammar and spelling. Fiona has had many years' experience of understanding how to prepare for that step.
Fiona’s success rate is due to incorporating the pupil’s interests and using a range of techniques which prepare the pupils successfully without having the pressure of the exam. Their general English improves incredibly with the regular intervention.

Fiona uses Pie Corbett, DADWAVERS and Alan Peake sentences amongst other methods, so foster a love of successful creative writing.

All main writing genres are explored, so the children become successful fiction writers but also are able to write for different purposes- from writing a speech to formal letter writing.

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Alan Peats Sentence Structures

Dadwavers Creative Writing Strategy


Pupils are given confidence by being taught specific concepts. Pupils are encouraged to use a variety of different methods to consolidate learning from practical activities to computer based programmes. Always in the first instance School National Curriculum work is rigorously covered but then the pupils are encouraged to get higher targets and results.